音协人物介绍 — 大提琴新秀朱乐诚

2016-01-26 00:00:00

音协人物 - 大提琴新秀朱乐诚

音协乐团人物介绍 -- 大提琴新秀朱乐诚  
朱乐诚,是 Concord-Carlisle 高中弦乐团的首席大提琴和波士顿青年交响乐团 (BYSO)    和Lexington 室内乐团弦乐四重奏成员。他先后师从缅因州波特兰乐团的大提琴演奏家Barbara Paschke,和波士顿芭蕾舞团的首席大提琴(也是 Boston    Pops 成员)Ron Lowry 学习大提琴演奏已达七年之久。


Biography of Jeffrey Zhu

Jeffrey Zhu, is the principal cellist at Concord-Carlisle High School (CCHS), a member of the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras (BYSO), and also a member    of the Lexington String Quartet.        
He has been studying the cello for seven years, under the tutelage of Barbara Paschke, a    cellist of the Portland Symphony Orchestra; and Ron Lowry,  the principal cellist of the Boston Ballet and a cellist of the Boston Pops.
He is excited to participate in the Chinese traditional music concerts  with  the  Boston  Chinese Musician Association,  learning  to  integrate  cello performances into Chinese Folk Music.