职场进阶必备:商务谈话在线强化课程 (早惠截至4月1日)

如何发言让您富有领袖魅力?职场进阶必备:商务谈话在线强化课程 (早惠截至4月1日)



好消息是机会就在眼前。我们 Speaking Voice Intensive Spring 2022 年春季商务强化课程将帮助您改善发声技巧并增强信心,以便您可以与世界更好地分享您的信息。

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借助 Christine Menschner Voice Lessons 语言工作室个性化商务谈话培训,您将获得针对自身特点的科学方法来改善自己的声音并增强公众发言的信心。


Christine Menschner 拥有音乐教育、声乐表演和声乐教育学双硕士学位。作为一名表演艺术家和声乐老师,20 多年来,她一直在帮助歌手和演讲者提高发音和演唱技巧。 Christine 培训从初学者到专业人士的表演者。她曾在德国、中国和美国教授大师班和研讨会。

作为哈佛大学 Crimson Toastmasters 的成员,Christine 于 2020 年主持了一系列商务谈话培训班,以帮助演讲者克服声音紧张、说话单调、提高清晰度并发出有魅力的声音。在 2021 年“沟通与领导力虚拟会议”上的“像专业人士一样使用你的声音”的研讨会上,克里斯汀与近 100 名参与者交流,帮助他们减少错误发声并为成功演讲做好准备。

立即注册以确保享受早惠 $100特价(早惠4月1日,截至4月23日,席位有限,尽快报名)。


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What people say about the Speaking Voice Intensive:

“I joined the Speaking Voice Intensive with a monotone voice that came out from the back of my throat. I sound so different now! I learned how to project and use vocal variety to express emotion in my speeches. Christine’s exercises and teaching style are powerful. She explains everything, involves everyone and her humor made me feel at ease. It was fun learning from each other polishing our speeches. I highly recommend this class.”
Shaida Mohamed

"Christine's speaker class is like a gym for the voice! I took it because my voice dropped at the end of sentences. People did not understand me. Christine explains exactly how sounds are made and how to practice, so making them well becomes second nature. I've learned ways to control my voice and how to breathe so I have enough power to be heard to the end of my thought. I have to repeat myself less frequently. My heartfelt thanks -- it was a wonderful class!"
Roberta Miller

“The Speaking Voice Intensive is the most useful and practical vocal training I have had in my over ten years of being a semi-professional voice actor. I increased my vocal range on the low and high end. I increased my vocal variety and have an incredibly larger holistic understanding of how the voice works. I know how to warm up and how to give more influential speeches. Christine's workshop is a must-take experience for anyone who wants to improve their speaking voice. I wish I'd taken her training earlier!”
Joe Campo

“I took the Speaking Voice Intensive for 2 months and am very happy with the result! I could clearly hear difference on my voice during presentation or speech. I enjoyed every lesson as it was fun and inspiring. Christine kept motivating us to make sure that we continue training outside of the class. Her training class is definetely worth more than what I paid. Highly recommended!”
Atsuko Fujii

“I am happy to have experienced the Speaking Voice Intensive group class. The skills I learned will improve my audience's experience and hopefully will help my voice endure multi-hour-long speaking engagements.

At first, I thought 1:1 coaching would be better, but I am glad I did it in a group setting. I was initially unsure if the exercises would work, but I saw in real-time how everyone improved with the suggestions Christine gave. Thanks, Christine!”
Emily Hwang

“I learned about the vocal fry and how I can eliminate this creaky sound in my voice. One of the great takeaways from the lessons is the confidence they inspire. Christine’s focus on posture, breathing and vocal tone have contributed to my developing more confidence in expressing myself.”
Stephanie Snow, Crimson Toastmasters, Cambridge, MA

“My own vocal quality has improved, and I've enjoyed hearing other speakers improve their vocal quality and articulation. In my speeches, I was receiving consistent feedback that my voice trailed off at the end of sentences and it was difficult to understand me. I also noticed this when giving personal information over the phone: I was always being asked to repeat the last digits of my phone or credit card number. Christine identified the issue quickly and gave me simple directions to improve my breathing and resonance to avoid vocal fry and energize the end of my sentences.”
Michèle Biscoe, Distinguished Toastmaster, Cambridge, MA

立即注册以确保享受早惠 $100特价(早惠4月1日,截至4月23日,席位有限,尽快报名)。

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